Fichier dialogue de Nolan McNamara

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Fichier dialogue
Fichier dialogue de Nolan McNamara


Tableau de dialogue

Fichier dialogue
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic038 Il ne suffit pas de la mettre ? Si seulement c'était aussi simple... L'armure assistée est plus proche d'une machine que l'on actionne que d'un vêtement. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638E4_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic038 Il ne suffit pas de la mettre ? Après une brève formation, son emploi devient instinctif, mais pour un novice, cela revient à porter une brahmine sur le dos. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638E4_2
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic038 Il ne suffit pas de la mettre ? Alors, mettons-nous au travail, voulez-vous ? VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638E4_3
Topic McNamaraPowerArmorTraining McNamaraPowerArmorTraining ... Bien, je crois que vous avez le coup de main. Vous devriez maintenant pouvoir porter n'importe quelle armure assistée. VDialogueH_McNamaraPowerAr_001638D8_1
Topic McNamaraPowerArmorTraining McNamaraPowerArmorTraining J'ai aussi ordonné de vous laisser accéder à tous nos matériels, plus seulement aux équipements les plus courants. VDialogueH_McNamaraPowerAr_001638D9_1
Topic McNamaraPowerArmorTraining McNamaraPowerArmorTraining Vous faites maintenant partie de la Confrérie et il est temps que votre matériel reflète cette situation. VDialogueH_McNamaraPowerAr_001638D9_2
Topic McNamaraPowerArmorTraining McNamaraPowerArmorTraining Enfin, vous pourrez aller et venir comme vous l'entendrez. Après tout ce que vous avez fait pour nous, c'est la moindre des choses. VDialogueH_McNamaraPowerAr_001638D9_3
Topic McNamaraPowerArmorTraining McNamaraPowerArmorTraining Je vous demande seulement de toujours veiller aux intérêts de la Confrérie. Rappelez-vous que vous trouverez toujours un foyer ici. VDialogueH_McNamaraPowerAr_001638D9_4
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic028 C'est un accident, je le jure. Accident ou pas, nous sommes maintenant tous deux dans une situation inconfortable. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163281_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic007 Je les cherche toujours. Faites au plus vite. Il est impératif que je connaisse les résultats de sa mission. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015E565_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2V34 VMS49ElderDiscussion2V34 C'est peut-être la seule qui existe. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BDA4_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion1 VMS49ElderDiscussion1 Bonjour, Veronica. Comment se passe cette mission ? VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014B02A_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion1 VMS49ElderDiscussion1 Veronica, ne me dis pas que c'est au sujet de... VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014B02C_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion1 VMS49ElderDiscussion1 Nous avons déjà discuté de tout ça. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014B02E_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion1 VMS49ElderDiscussion1 Nous avons survécu à la fin du monde. Nous survivrons à ces arrivistes. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014B030_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion1 VMS49ElderDiscussion1 S'il le faut. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014B032_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion1 VMS49ElderDiscussion1 J'en attends la preuve. Comme j'attends de voir quelqu'un apporter une solution à nos problèmes. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014B036_1
Topic HVMcNamStorePermission J'ai l'autorisation de faire du troc avec votre arsenal ? Oui. Nous avons tout intérêt à ce que vous disposiez d'un bon matériel. Je vais faire passer le mot. VDialogueH_HVMcNamStorePer_000E340E_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic039 Parlez-moi du bouclage. Il s'agit d'une mesure de protection adoptée après la défaite à HELIOS. La RNC était sur nos talons et un autre affrontement nous aurait éliminés. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAB_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic039 Parlez-moi du bouclage. Nous avons décidé de nous cacher quelque temps, de soigner les blessés et de tenter d'échafauder une nouvelle stratégie. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAB_2
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic039 Parlez-moi du bouclage. Cependant, après avoir repris des forces, nos premières sorties ont montré que la présence de la RNC s'était accrue dans la région. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAB_3
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic039 Parlez-moi du bouclage. Il y a aujourd'hui cinq fois plus de soldats de la RNC dans la région et nous sommes deux fois moins nombreux qu'à HELIOS. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAB_4
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic039 Parlez-moi du bouclage. Le bouclage a par conséquent été prolongé. Si nous sortions, nous serions tous tués. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAB_5
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic040 Comment faites-vous pour vous ravitailler ? Certains de nos personnels sont autorisés à se déplacer en surface. Ils font du commerce et rapportent parfois des découvertes intéressantes. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAD_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic040 Comment faites-vous pour vous ravitailler ? Nous faisons en sorte qu'ils n'entrent et sortent du bunker que lorsque la tempête de sable est active, afin d'éviter toute détection. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAD_2
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic041 Parlons d'autre chose. Très bien. De quoi voulez-vous parler ? VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAC_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic043 C'est quoi, cette tempête de sable de folie, à la surface ? C'est le système de défense de la base. Il sert de camouflage et dissimule les entrées et sorties du bunker. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AA6_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic043 C'est quoi, cette tempête de sable de folie, à la surface ? Il permet de cacher nos patrouilles et corvées de ravitaillement, même si elles ne sont envoyées que de nuit, pour plus de sécurité encore. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AA6_2
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic044 Racontez-moi ce qui s'est passé à HELIOS. Nous avons été purement et simplement laminés. Mes frères se sont battus avec courage, mais les ennemis étaient trop nombreux. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AC9_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic044 Racontez-moi ce qui s'est passé à HELIOS. Au pire moment de la bataille, notre Aîné était introuvable, et tout a sombré dans le chaos. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AC9_2
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic044 Racontez-moi ce qui s'est passé à HELIOS. La moitié de nos forces était déjà tombée. J'ai rassemblé ceux que j'ai pu trouver et nous nous sommes repliés ici. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AC9_3
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic044 Racontez-moi ce qui s'est passé à HELIOS. Nous avions vaguement parlé de ce lieu comme point de repli, mais à l'époque, personne ne s'attendait à une telle éventualité. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AC9_4
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic044 Racontez-moi ce qui s'est passé à HELIOS. C'est tout. Cette bataille n'a rien eu de glorieux : ça n'a été qu'un cauchemar de hurlements, de sang et de mort. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AC9_5
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic045 Vous savez que Hardin cherche à devenir l'Aîné ? Oh, oui, cela fait quelque temps qu'il essaie. Hardin est opposé au bouclage depuis le début. C'est contraire à sa nature, vous voyez... VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AA8_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic045 Vous savez que Hardin cherche à devenir l'Aîné ? Hardin est du genre à se battre jusqu'au bout et à mourir plutôt que de se rendre. Chez un soldat, c'est une qualité, mais chez un chef... VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AA8_2
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic045 Vous savez que Hardin cherche à devenir l'Aîné ? Ne vous inquiétez pas de ce qu'il peut faire. Il ne fait que ce qu'il estime être le meilleur pour le chapitre. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AA8_3
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic046 {Parler de la RNC cherchant à éliminer la Confrérie} La RNC cherche actuellement à vous éliminer. Oui, je l'ai toujours su. Par chance, la RNC ne sait pas exactement où nous sommes. Et si elle l'apprenait, nous sommes bien retranchés. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAE_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic046 {Parler de la RNC cherchant à éliminer la Confrérie} La RNC cherche actuellement à vous éliminer. Enfin, si ses troupes parvenaient à entrer dans le bunker, je serais obligé d'activer notre système de sécurité. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAE_2
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic046 {Parler de la RNC cherchant à éliminer la Confrérie} La RNC cherche actuellement à vous éliminer. Mieux vaut tous mourir que laisser les technologies qui se trouvent ici tomber en de mauvaises mains. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAE_3
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic046 {Parler de la RNC cherchant à éliminer la Confrérie} La RNC cherche actuellement à vous éliminer. Je suppose que ce n'était qu'une question de temps. Compte tenu de la situation actuelle de la RNC, je me demande si elle accepterait une trêve... VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAF_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic046 {Parler de la RNC cherchant à éliminer la Confrérie} La RNC cherche actuellement à vous éliminer. Nous ne revendiquons plus Helios et le barrage ne nous intéresse pas. Nos ambitions n'empiètent donc pas sur les siennes. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAF_2
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic046 {Parler de la RNC cherchant à éliminer la Confrérie} La RNC cherche actuellement à vous éliminer. L'heure est peut-être à une nouvelle stratégie. Allez dire au chef de la RNC que la Confrérie accepte d'oublier les inimitiés pour l'instant. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAF_3
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic046 {Parler de la RNC cherchant à éliminer la Confrérie} La RNC cherche actuellement à vous éliminer. Dites-lui aussi que nous sommes prêts à envoyer des troupes pour l'aider à défendre le barrage. Je pense qu'elle pourra difficilement refuser. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAF_4
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic014 {Demander à rejoindre la Confrérie.} Je peux toujours rejoindre la Confrérie ? Vous en avez assurément gagné le droit, mais il reste un petit point de protocole à régler auparavant. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DD_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic014 {Demander à rejoindre la Confrérie.} Je peux toujours rejoindre la Confrérie ? Des individus exceptionnels tels que vous sont parfois autorisés à rejoindre la Confrérie s'ils accomplissent un service de valeur. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DD_2
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic014 {Demander à rejoindre la Confrérie.} Je peux toujours rejoindre la Confrérie ? Si nous n'avons eu qu'à nous féliciter de vos actions jusqu'ici, elles ne sauraient constituer ce type de service. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DD_3
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic014 {Demander à rejoindre la Confrérie.} Je peux toujours rejoindre la Confrérie ? Mais j'ai une autre tâche qui relèverait de cette notion. Accepteriez-vous de la mener à bien ? VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DD_4
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic014 {Demander à rejoindre la Confrérie.} Je peux toujours rejoindre la Confrérie ? La tâche que j'avais en tête est toujours disponible, si vous vous sentez d'attaque. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DE_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic015 Oui, quelle est la mission ? Comme l'une de nos patrouilles l'a découvert, les mutants du nord-est sont devenus étrangement violents pendant notre réclusion. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DB_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic015 Oui, quelle est la mission ? Mais cette situation pourrait constituer une opportunité. Par respect, nous n'avions pas touché au réseau de communications situé là-bas. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DB_2
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic015 Oui, quelle est la mission ? Puisque les "habitants" sont désormais hostiles, ce respect n'a plus de raison d'être. Ce matériel est devenu un objectif. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DB_3
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic015 Oui, quelle est la mission ? Je veux que vous alliez installer cet émetteur sur l'une des consoles situées au sommet de Black Mountain. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DB_4
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic015 Oui, quelle est la mission ? Il nous permettra de profiter des radars et autres systèmes de détection implantés là-bas, s'ils fonctionnent toujours. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DB_5
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic015 Oui, quelle est la mission ? Si nous devons revenir à la surface, autant le faire avec le plus d'informations possible. Bonne chance. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DB_6
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic033 Ça dépend de la nature de la tâche. N'ayez pas d'hésitation. Tirez la leçon de mon erreur et faites preuve d'audace, d'une manière ou d'une autre. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638D7_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic034 Après réflexion, je ne vais pas rejoindre tout de suite la Confrérie. C'est regrettable, mais compréhensible. Si vous changez d'avis, revenez ici. Je ne confierai pas tout de suite cette tâche à mes frères. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638E5_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic035 J'ai installé l'appareil sur Black Mountain, comme prévu. Oui, nous avons commencé à capter des signaux de télémétrie. Cela nous sera très utile lors de nos actions futures, et je vous remercie. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DF_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic035 J'ai installé l'appareil sur Black Mountain, comme prévu. Maintenant, j'ai le grand honneur de vous décerner le titre de Paladin de la Confrérie pour services rendus allant au-delà du devoir. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DF_2
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic035 J'ai installé l'appareil sur Black Mountain, comme prévu. Je crains qu'une cérémonie officielle soit hors de question dans la situation actuelle, mais j'espère que cela vous suffira. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DF_3
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic035 J'ai installé l'appareil sur Black Mountain, comme prévu. J'ai demandé aux Chevaliers de remettre en état une armure assistée pour vous. Il s'agit de l'un des premiers modèles, mais elle vous sera utile. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DF_4
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic035 J'ai installé l'appareil sur Black Mountain, comme prévu. Maintenant, je crois que je vais devoir vous apprendre à vous en servir, n'est-ce pas ? VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DF_5
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic036 Je sais déjà utiliser une armure assistée. Pourriez-vous me dire où vous avez appris une telle technique ? VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638E0_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic036 Je sais déjà utiliser une armure assistée. Non, c'est inutile. Une personne aussi avisée que vous a nécessairement acquis de nombreuses compétences. Heureusement, j'ai autre chose pour vous. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638E0_2
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic037 Je vous en prie. Avant tout, voyons comment la revêtir. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DA_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic024 I found one of your patrols out in the waste. Your men are dead. That is sad news, indeed, and I thank you for making your way here to convey it to us, but now the issue remains that an outsider knows our location. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0016328F_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic025 Actually, I'd rather just be going. If I could just have my belongings back... I'm afraid that's not a possibility at the moment. Let's just say that your eventual safe departure from here relies on how forthcoming you are. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0016329D_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic025 Actually, I'd rather just be going. If I could just have my belongings back... That said, I'd like you to tell me why you're here. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0016329D_2
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic026 No, what I told your man before was the truth. I don't like repeating myself. I applaud your commitment to your own word, though it saddens me to hear of the fate of our comrades. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163299_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic029 I convinced him that staying here was more dangerous than moving on. Yes, you exploited his fear of Powder Gangers very effectively. The collar includes a microphone, you see. Part of the test. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0016329C_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic029 I convinced him that staying here was more dangerous than moving on. He'll keep his distance, setting ambushes, never suspecting that these bunkers house something far more dangerous to him than criminals. Well-played. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0016329C_8
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic030 He was going to leave if he couldn't get his radio working. So I destroyed it. I see. And he's not particularly likely to come back, since he's learned that the bunkers here aren't secure enough to serve as safehouses. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0016328D_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic030 He was going to leave if he couldn't get his radio working. So I destroyed it. It's not a foolproof solution, but indirect methods rarely are. What matters is that you drove him off without alerting him to our presence. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0016328D_8
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic031 Just tell me what you want me to do. I would like you to find the components we need to fix this bunker's air filtration system. I cannot overstate the importance of this task. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163286_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic031 Just tell me what you want me to do. See Senior Knight Lorenzo for the details. He's the one who brought the matter to my attention, and the only other person who is aware of it. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163286_2
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic032 Go on. The device that creates the sandstorms above, that masks our comings and goings, was only intended to be used in case of emergencies. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163292_4
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic032 Go on. It was never meant to be used with any regularity, and the other systems here were not designed to accommodate such usage. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163292_5
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic032 Go on. In particular, the air filtration system simply cannot handle the quantity of sand and grit that it's been forced to cope with these last few years. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163292_6
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic032 Go on. As a result, the system is failing, albeit slowly. I'm told we have scant few months before it shuts down completely. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163292_7
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic032 Go on. Should that happen, it will quickly become impossible to breathe here in the bunker. Already the air quality begins to slightly worsen. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163292_8
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic020 Surely you have people better suited to look for them than me. The less who are aware of this situation, the better. My brothers and sisters were deeply traumatized by the losses we incurred several years ago. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0016005C_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic020 Surely you have people better suited to look for them than me. It would be imprudent to worry them unduly without first discovering the facts of the situation. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0016005C_2
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic021 I was hoping to speak to you about other matters. I can spare a little time. What did you want to talk about? VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00160068_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic010 I think I already found one of your patrols. Both Paladins were dead. While that is disheartening news, there remains hope that the other two patrols may still be found alive. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015FCF6_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic011 I already found a couple of your patrols. The paladins were all dead. T-That is unfortunate. As long as there is a chance to find the remaining patrol, however, I must still ask you to try. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015FCE2_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic012 I already found all three patrols. They were all dead. {Solemn}I suppose I am not surprised. We have few friends in the world above, and many enemies. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00160061_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic013 Not all of them. Keep looking for them. The information they have is vital. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015FD1A_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic016 {McNamara linked lines} Then allow me to explain our situation. This bunker is currently locked down, allowing no entry or exit, with you being one of the few exceptions. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015FCE5_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic016 {McNamara linked lines} In exceptional cases, teams are sent out to investigate sites or retrieve materials deemed too important to ignore. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015FCE5_2
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic016 {McNamara linked lines} Three such teams have gone missing recently, and the news of their disappearance has not yet been widely spread to avoid undue concern. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015FCE5_3
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic016 {McNamara linked lines} In order to maintain the peace, and adhere to the strictures of the lockdown, I need to send someone else to discover what happened to them. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015FCE5_4
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic018 I have better things to do. Then that is your choice. If you should change your mind, please return. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015FCF9_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic006 I did. Lorenzo's on it. {Relieved, sighs}Good news for a change. Your efforts have humbled me, outsider. You have done more than I could expect, even from my Brothers. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015E55E_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic006 I did. Lorenzo's on it. Moreover, I've been going over the scouts' reports and keep coming up with the same conclusion. The NCR is not the threat I've believed it to be. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015E55E_2
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic006 I did. Lorenzo's on it. We should not have had to rely on your help in this crisis. I believed my actions were guided by caution and prudence, but I now see the truth. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015E55E_3
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic006 I did. Lorenzo's on it. People called me a hero after what happened at HELIOS, but I left that battle scarred by fear, and have allowed that weakness to govern my actions. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015E55E_4
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic006 I did. Lorenzo's on it. That ends now. I will undo the wrong I have done my brethren, and lift the lockdown. With luck, we will once again flourish. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015E55E_5
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic006 I did. Lorenzo's on it. Please, take this. It is a small token of my thanks, and scarcely begins to repay the debt owed you, but is all I am allowed to give an outsider. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015E55E_6
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic006 I did. Lorenzo's on it. This key will allow you to use our safehouse to the northeast. I hope it will prove useful in your travels. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015E55E_7
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic008 Yes, I did. Here are their reports. Good, let's take a look... Hmmm, if I'm reading this right, it appears that the NCR's grip on this region is nowhere near as firm as I thought. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015E568_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic008 Yes, I did. Here are their reports. I'll have to review these in detail, but these reports have given me much to think about. Thank you, outsider. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015E568_2
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic008 Yes, I did. Here are their reports. You've become someone I can count on, so I believe I can share something rather confidential with you. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015E568_3
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic009 No, not yet. Well, return when you have. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015E55D_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic002 Yes, here are their holotapes. {Solemn}They were all dead, then. I suppose I'm not surprised. We have few friends in the world above, and many enemies. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015D9CA_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic002 Yes, here are their holotapes. But we must turn our minds to other matters. When I sent out those patrols, I also sent three Knights out on scouting missions. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00160075_2
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic002 Yes, here are their holotapes. When the patrols failed to return, we assumed the worst and sent a single communication to the scouts to hold position and maintain radio silence. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00160075_3
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic002 Yes, here are their holotapes. I want you to contact those scouts and gather their reports. Like the patrols, they have devices on them that will enable you to track them. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00160075_5
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic002 Yes, here are their holotapes. When you find them, tell them you're my representative and ask them if the bears are still hunting. That should get them to talk to you. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00160075_7
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic002 Yes, here are their holotapes. Return when you've gathered all of their reports. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00160075_6
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic003 No, I've only found one of them so far. Both paladins were dead. While that is disheartening news, there remains hope that the other two patrols may still be found alive. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00160062_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic003 No, I've only found one of them so far. Both paladins were dead. See me as soon as you've found them. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00160062_2
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic004 I've found two of the patrols. All of the paladins were dead. T-That is unfortunate. As long as there is a chance to find the remaining patrol, however, I must still ask you to try. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00160064_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic004 I've found two of the patrols. All of the paladins were dead. Return when you have found them. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00160064_2
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic005 No, I'm still working on it. Remain diligent, outsider. If those patrols are in trouble, every second you delay lessens their chances of rescue. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015FCED_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic000 I'll begin looking immediately. I'm glad I can count on you. Oh, and one other thing. The patrols each had a holotape detailing their missions that you can use to track them. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015D79A_1
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic000 I'll begin looking immediately. The shielding of the bunker prevents us from actively tracking them, but their positions should show up on your map once you get to the surface. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015D79A_2
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic000 I'll begin looking immediately. Should our worst fears become realized, please bring back all three of the holotapes from the patrols. Otherwise, bring our brothers home. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015D79A_3
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic000 I'll begin looking immediately. I've given the order that you be given access to some of the equipment our scouts and patrols have scavenged over the years. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015D79A_4
Topic VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic000 I'll begin looking immediately. You won't be allowed to purchase any prohibited equipment, but hopefully some of what's available will prove useful to you. VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015D79A_5
Topic VEndingBrotherhood VEndingBrotherhood {Narrating}Buried beneath tons of rubble, the Mojave chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel was no more. VEnding_VEndingBrotherhood_00161260_1
Topic VEndingBrotherhood VEndingBrotherhood Those few who were outside the Hidden Valley bunker when it was destroyed settled into new lives, or headed west to find a new chapter to join. VEnding_VEndingBrotherhood_00161260_2
Topic VEndingBrotherhood VEndingBrotherhood {Narrating}During the fight for Hoover Dam, the Brotherhood took HELIOS One, inflicting heavy damage on retreating NCR forces, but it was a pyrrhic victory. VEnding_VEndingBrotherhood_00161261_1
Topic VEndingBrotherhood VEndingBrotherhood Once The Strip was secured, Caesar's forces overwhelmed and eventually routed the Brotherhood from HELIOS One and Hidden Valley. VEnding_VEndingBrotherhood_00161261_2
Topic VEndingBrotherhood VEndingBrotherhood {Narrating}The Brotherhood used the battle of Hoover Dam as an opportunity to retake HELIOS One, and came to control the area between it and Hidden Valley. VEnding_VEndingBrotherhood_00161262_1
Topic VEndingBrotherhood VEndingBrotherhood With no organized opposition, their patrols began monitoring trade along I-15 and 95, seizing any items of technology they deemed inappropriate. VEnding_VEndingBrotherhood_00161262_2
Topic VEndingBrotherhood VEndingBrotherhood {Narrating}The Brotherhood and the NCR in the Mojave Wasteland declared an official truce, despite continued hostilities between the two in the west. VEnding_VEndingBrotherhood_00161263_1
Topic VEndingBrotherhood VEndingBrotherhood As per their agreement, the NCR handed over all suits of salvaged power armor and in return the Brotherhood helped patrol I-15 and Highway 95. VEnding_VEndingBrotherhood_00161263_2
Topic VEndingBrotherhood VEndingBrotherhood {Narrating}Due to their temporary truce, the Brotherhood allowed the NCR to retreat from the Mojave Wasteland without incident. VEnding_VEndingBrotherhood_00161264_1
Topic VEndingBrotherhood VEndingBrotherhood In the relative peace that followed, Brotherhood patrols appeared along major roads, harassing travelers over any bits of technology they had. VEnding_VEndingBrotherhood_00161264_2
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion What does the Codex say? VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD91_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion We do not help them, or let them in. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD93_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion We keep knowledge they must never have. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD95_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion I'm sorry. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD97_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion {Sadly}<Sighs> I know. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD99_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS What? Wonderful news! VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD84_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS In the hands of the enemy- VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD86_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS We couldn't have known. We fought for what we believed in. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD88_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS Are you trying to shame me? VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD8A_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2Intro VMS49ElderDiscussion2Intro Veronica. I hope- VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BDAC_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2V22 VMS49ElderDiscussion2V22 High Elder Maxson didn't found us to be botanists, Veronica. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD9C_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2V22 VMS49ElderDiscussion2V22 This won't get us Hoover Dam. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD9E_1
Topic HVMcNamRangerDeadSpeech {Speech >= 65} It was a calculated risk. Asking questions would have tipped him off. [SUCCEEDED] So you weighed the value of confirming if his location was known against your advantage of surprise. All right. VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerDe_000E3ED7_1
Topic HVMcNamRangerDeadSpeech {Speech >= 65} I'm pretty sure I made things better. I mean, I killed him. [FAILED] What's in doubt isn't your ability to kill. It's your ability to be thorough. Your circumspection, so to speak. VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerDe_000E3ED8_1
Topic HVMcNamRangerDeadSpeech {Speech >= 65} I'm pretty sure I made things better. I mean, I killed him. So again, I ask: How do you know that killing this ranger didn't make matters worse, exposing us to greater dangers? VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerDe_000E3ED8_2
Topic HVMcNamRangerAsk Why haven't you killed the ranger already? Yes, we could kill him easily enough. But sometimes you can learn a great deal by observing people, both enemies and friends. VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerAs_000E284A_1
Topic HVMcNamRangerAsk Why haven't you killed the ranger already? Which is why it will be very interesting to observe how you choose to deal with the situation, and decide which you are. Enemy, or friend? VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerAs_000E284A_2
Topic HVMcNamRangerAsk Why haven't you killed the ranger already? Do we understand one another? VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerAs_000E284A_3
Topic HVMcNamRangerNo Not interested. I don't do murder-for-hire. I never said the ranger had to be killed. And I wasn't giving you the option. I merely asked if you understood. VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerNo_000E2850_1
Conversation HVMcNamaraHardinOpening HVMcNamaraHardinOpening I understand your concern, Edgar, but the answer is no. VDialogueH_HVMcNamaraHardi_000ACCAD_1
Conversation HVMcNamaraHardinOpening HVMcNamaraHardinOpening And our chances of exposure might be one hundred percent if we act rashly. VDialogueH_HVMcNamaraHardi_000ACCBF_1
Conversation HVMcNamaraHardinOpening HVMcNamaraHardinOpening No, I will not endanger the entire chapter so recklessly. VDialogueH_HVMcNamaraHardi_000ACD38_1
Conversation HVMcNamaraHardinOpening HVMcNamaraHardinOpening Look, I've made my decision. Abide by it. I have other matters to attend to. VDialogueH_HVMcNamaraHardi_000ACD3D_1
Topic HVMcNamExplainPresence I was just exploring the area and noticed your patrol coming out of here. You took an extreme risk in coming here. My policy towards trespassers has not been... lenient. VDialogueH_HVMcNamExplainP_000ACC65_1
Topic HVMcNamExplainPresence I was just exploring the area and noticed your patrol coming out of here. The security of this bunker is my foremost concern, and I take pains to minimize our exposure topside. VDialogueH_HVMcNamExplainP_000ACC65_2
Topic HVMcNamExplainPresence I was just exploring the area and noticed your patrol coming out of here. For this reason, I might be interested in contracting with an outsider, who can accomplish certain tasks - some basic, some a bit more... involved. VDialogueH_HVMcNamExplainP_000ACC65_3
Topic HVMcNamExplainPresence I was just exploring the area and noticed your patrol coming out of here. An NCR Ranger has begun to set up post in one of the other bunkers up top, for example. I want him driven off. Understood? VDialogueH_HVMcNamExplainP_000ACC65_4
Topic HVMcNamRangerDead The ranger won't be a problem. He's dead. How do you know he won't be missed, that other rangers won't come looking for him? Or NCR patrols? Did you just make matters worse? VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerDe_000ACC22_1
Topic HVMcNamRangerDeadSafe He told me himself that no one knew where he was. Indeed he did. The collar includes a microphone, you see. Part of the test. VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerDe_000ACC64_1
Topic HVMcNamRangerDeadSafe He told me himself that no one knew where he was. Had you told him the location of this bunker, for example... well, let's just say we wouldn't be having this conversation. VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerDe_000ACC64_5
Topic HVMcNamRangerDeadSafe He told me himself that no one knew where he was. Given the circumstances, termination was the best option - so your actions demonstrated loyalty, good judgment, and prowess in combat. VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerDe_000ACC64_2
Topic HVMcNamRangerFail I'm not sure. That's right. Because you did nothing to find out. Your collar was rigged with a microphone, you see. Part of the test. VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerFa_000E284B_1
Topic HVMcNamRangerFail I'm not sure. It would seem you are a brute, but even a brute can be of use. Particularly one capable of taking down an NCR Ranger one on one. VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerFa_000E284B_2
Topic HVMcNamRangerFail I'm not sure. Since you completed your assigned task, I will allow you to come and go from the bunker freely. So let's get that collar off you. VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerFa_001632BA_1
Topic HVMcNamRangerFail I'm not sure. There, that's better, I hope. Now that we have that bit of unpleasantness out of the way, there is a matter that I would like to discuss with you. VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerFa_001632BB_2
Topic HVMcNamRangerFail I'm not sure. Stop by the command room when you can. Oh, and bear in mind, if you end up betraying us, we will know it - and there will be no mercy. VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerFa_001632BB_1
Topic HVMcNamRangerGone The ranger won't be a problem. He's gone. Gone? Why did he leave? And what makes you think he won't be back? VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerGo_000ACD4E_1
Topic HVMcNamRangerYes I can take care of the Ranger. Very well. I'll be interested to see how thoroughly and efficiently you carry out your mission. VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerYe_000ACC0B_1
Topic HVMcNamRangerYes I can take care of the Ranger. Paladin Ramos will escort you back to the bunker's entrance and set you loose. Notice that I said "loose," not "free." VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerYe_0016329B_2
Topic HVMcNamRangerYes I can take care of the Ranger. You are not free to carry the secret of this bunker's location beyond Hidden Valley - until I'm convinced that you're capable and dependable. VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerYe_0016329B_3
Topic HVMcNamRangerYes I can take care of the Ranger. To underscore this point, you'll be fitted with an explosive collar. Wander off, and it will detonate. Focus on your mission, and you'll be fine. VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerYe_0016329B_4
Topic GREETING GREETING Ah, outsider. I've heard that you were instrumental in providing Hardin with the evidence to bring against me. And here I had thought to use {lightly stressed}you. VDialogueH_GREETING_0015E573_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Have you come to gloat, or did you actually want something? VDialogueH_GREETING_0015E573_2
Topic GREETING GREETING Welcome, outsider, welcome! The lockdown has been officially lifted and everyone seems to be in good spirits. VDialogueH_GREETING_001633CF_1
Topic GREETING GREETING With the surface open to us once again, Hardin's already started talk of sending a force out to attack HELIOS, but I hope to dissuade him. VDialogueH_GREETING_001633CF_2
Topic GREETING GREETING What can I do for you? VDialogueH_GREETING_001633CF_3
Topic GREETING GREETING Hail, Brother. May I help you? VDialogueH_GREETING_001638E9_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Greetings, my friend. I hope I can be of some assistance to you. VDialogueH_GREETING_001638EA_1
Topic GREETING GREETING {Getting ready to lift the lockdown}I apologize, outsider, but I'm going to be busy for a little while making preparations for lifting the lockdown. VDialogueH_GREETING_001638EB_1
Topic GREETING GREETING {Annoyed to have to talk to the player again}What is it now, outsider? VDialogueH_GREETING_001638EC_1
Topic GREETING GREETING I'm afraid I don't have time to talk, outsider. I've had word that Hardin is charging me with violating protocol and must prepare a defense. VDialogueH_GREETING_001633D0_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Back again, I see. Have you found all the components we need? VDialogueH_GREETING_001633D1_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Have you had any luck finding the scouts? Or did you have something to discuss? VDialogueH_GREETING_0015E574_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Found the missing patrols, or was something else on your mind? VDialogueH_GREETING_0015D9CB_1
Topic GREETING GREETING How did you find us, stranger? And do tell the truth. VDialogueH_GREETING_000E2F71_1
Topic GREETING GREETING I've been informed that you bring us ill tidings, stranger. Care to elaborate? VDialogueH_GREETING_0015E575_1
Topic GREETING GREETING When Paladin Ramos informed me that Veronica was approaching with an outsider in tow, at first I didn't know what to think. VDialogueH_GREETING_0015D79C_1
Topic GREETING GREETING After giving the matter some thought, however, I've decided that an outsider could be of use to me right now. VDialogueH_GREETING_0015D79C_2
Topic GREETING GREETING However, I will not force you to help us. Should you refuse, you will be allowed to leave here, though you'd remain Veronica's responsibility. VDialogueH_GREETING_0015D79C_3
Topic GREETING GREETING What do you say, outsider? Are you willing to help us? VDialogueH_GREETING_0015D79C_4
Topic GREETING GREETING What I wished to discuss with you can wait for once I get settled in the command room, outsider. VDialogueH_GREETING_001632B1_1
Topic GREETING GREETING When you first showed up on our doorstep, I'll admit at first I didn't know what to think. VDialogueH_GREETING_001632B2_1
Topic GREETING GREETING After giving the matter some thought, however, I've decided that an outsider could be of great use to me right now. VDialogueH_GREETING_001632B2_2
Topic GREETING GREETING However, I will not force you to help us. Should you refuse, you will be allowed to leave here, though know we {stressed}will be keeping an eye on you. VDialogueH_GREETING_001632B2_3
Topic GREETING GREETING What do you say, outsider? Are you willing to help us? VDialogueH_GREETING_001632B2_4 VDialogueH_GREETING_0015D79C_4
Topic GREETING GREETING How did you resolve the situation with the ranger? VDialogueH_GREETING_000ACD41_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Have you reconsidered, outsider? I can still use your help. VDialogueH_GREETING_0015FD40_1
Topic GREETING GREETING {Generic question node}Yes, associate? VDialogueH_GREETING_000ACD4A_1